Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Middle Sister Attempt Turned Crevasse Climbing

Well good friend Dan and I attempted to climb middle sister a few weekends ago. Due to Dan's sickness we turned to the crevasses for some great ice climbing. Luckly we brought an extra piolet (French for a mountaineering ice axe) and an ice screw, just enough to set up a bomber dead man/ice screw top rope anchor. Sweet climbing and a bit of a challenge to climb ice with the piolets. All photos taken by Dan. To see more of Dan's photography here is his flickr account. To see the larger version of the pictures click on them. Check out Dan's site at

The Shadow of Dan

The Shooting Ice is for the Camera

zee crevizzzze

1 comment:

Mr. Spink said...

Is that a chest hair kip?